planning proactive action and reactive response

"If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail." Most people are familiar with that phrase, but when you realize what is at stake if we are not successful in defeating the New World Order, it takes on a whole new meaning. Here we will discuss a variety of plans that will ensure every squad is maximizing their probability for desirable outcomes. Proactive planning involves identifying future threats, defining the "line-in-the-sand" moment where the proactive plan is engaged to mitigate or pre-emptively defeat the threat before the threat materializes into an event that requires a reactive plan. A reactive plan engages when the line-in-the-sand moment is crossed, eliminating the ability of a proactive plan to pre-emptively mitigate or prevent the event.

Proactive Plans

Proactive plans allow you to prevent events from taking place. For example, if you know that a specific technology is being installed nearby with the intention of causing harm to human beings or effectively imprisoning them against their will in full violation of sovereign rights, it is within your right to eliminate the threat before it results in physical harm or enslavement. You will find a list of potential threats or "tools of enslavement" the NWO will create or use against you HERE (Link coming soon). It is the responsibility of each squad to locate and flag any instance of those tools or threats within their local territory. Each threat or tool of enslavement will provide unique sets of challenges or circumstantial obstacles which will need to be solved and overcome. Remember, the best time to take down a threat is while it is being built or before it is allowed to execute it's desired action.

A proactive plan should follow this outline:

  • List the threat or tool of enslavement
  • Identify location(s) nearby
  • Write down all challenges to overcome to neutralize the threat
  • List all solutions to those challenges
  • Carefully weigh each solution looking for clear winner(s)
  • Ensure the chosen solution(s) is in alignment with the code of conduct and principles
  • Select / acquire all equipment and supplies needed to execute the solution
  • Identify key roles and number of squadmates required
  • Choose the best time of day/week/season etc for maximum probability of success
  • Go over the logistics of executing the plan
  • Execute the plan in a timely fashion to pre-emptively neutralize the threat

Reactive plans

Reactive plans can be made in advance of known potential events which may occur in the future, or on the fly when unforeseen events take place. Having reactive plans will increase the odds of success to provide a response to events that unfold without warning, and many of the responsive plans have significant crossover depending on the event which activates them. 

First, there is the initial reaction plan. When a natural disaster, violent attack, or tyrannical event takes place, the first thing to do is assess whether or not to bug-in or bug-out (which are both described on the Training Page HERE ), but once the decision has been made, you need to follow the bug-out/bug-in plan until completion. It is then that your squad will determine if it is time to activate a response plan.

For example, if the event that caused you to execute your bug-out plan involves NWO tyranny as the catalyst, it will be imperative that a decision is made immediately when enough information is available to make an accurate assessment. Squads should get their more vulnerable members / family to the safest location possible, and once secure, the decision must be made to squad up with other squads and mount a response, or fortify and defend in place, depending on the nature of the threat. Your plans should clearly state which members of the squad will be the active response units and which will remain to protect and care for the vulnerable. You should spend time going through the potential scenarios and events and decide which ones make more sense to remain and defend from, and which ones to meet head on in response. 

Response plans, like bug-out or bug-in plans can be executed for a variety of catalysts, and can be left loose in order to fit whatever events unfold.

So when the even happens you first ask "Bug-out or Bug-in?"

Next, "do you defend or leave the bug-out or bug-in location to engage the threat elsewhere?"

Then ask "is this event in the list of expected potential scenarios?" if "no" then assess which scenario it is closest to and execute that plan.

Reactive plans should cover the following:

  • Equipment needed to defend in place or leave to execute a response
  • List all potential responses and identify the most likely to eliminate the threat
  • List all known potential threats and identify if defend or leave response plans are better for each
  • Identify and label key roles and assign based on individual strengths
  • Know your survival window, and when you will need to resupply